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$10,000 Grand Prize Winner Will Become Part of eLearning Platform

DALLAS, TX (Dec. 9, 2015) - Transformance, Inc. is ready to “gamify” the financial literacy process with a goal of introducing basic concepts of saving, overcoming debt and building wealth. Targeted to youth and young adults aged 15-to-24, the winning Pocket Change Game Design Challenge entry will become a vital component of Transformance’s multiple e-learning platforms set to launch next year. While the design challenge is open to global competition from commercial game studios and independent developers, Transformance is specifically seeking student entries in the Greater Austin and Dallas-Fort Worth region.

“The Pocket Change Game Design Challenge is an innovative way to introduce our young adults to the world of financial literacy through ‘gamification’,” said Ken Goodgames, president and CEO of Transformance. “Once completed, the winning entry will be distributed to the public through our online portal and a mobile app. Our goal is for Pocket Change to become an integral part of Transformance’s entire e-learning platform.”

Transformance will be teaming up with co-challenge organizer Games for Change (G4C), whose mission is to provide a catalyst for learning and social impact through digital game development. Other mentoring and presenting sponsor roles for the Pocket Change Game Design Challenge include Istation, NogginLabs and Lumos Partners.

Under the theme “Encouraging Americans to save,” the Pocket Change Game Design Challenge seeks gaming/app ideas that teach the basics of saving, while also outlining strategies for overcoming debt and building wealth. Submitted concepts are expected to explain how their game attributes will address the target audience of young adults aged 15 to 24 and how their design will be responsive and interactive to the target audience’s needs and preferences.

To submit an entry for the game design challenge, participants need to fill out an online form for the Transformance Pocket Change mobile app and online portal. Only completed applications will be considered. Supporting materials are optional, but may be added for consideration. All submissions will be reviewed by an advisory committee from G4C and narrowed down to 25 top entries. From there, a user committee and technical panel comprised of game design and subject matter experts will narrow the list to five finalists, all of whom will be invited to present their design ideas to a panel of judges at a live event in Dallas.

The timeline for the Pocket Change Game Design Challenge is as follows:

- Dec. 10, 2015 – Game design/development entry process opens to the public

- Jan. 22, 2016 – Game design/development entry submissions due

- Feb. 22, 2016 – Five finalists will be selected from the entries with an invitation to present their game design to a panel of judges

- March 18, 2016 – Five finalists will make their game design presentations at a live event in Dallas. An executive judging panel will select the winner, who will receive the $10,000 grand prize.

Once completed, the winning game will be distributed through Transformance’s online portal and mobile app and also featured as part of Transformance’s e-learning programs targeting young adults.

For more information on the Pocket Change Game Design Challenge, please visit the Transformance Pocket Change mobile app and online portal or call 1-800-249-2227.